Why Tourists Are Avoiding Your Gelato Shop

May 10, 2015 by  
Filed under Business Services

By Gelato Products

Gelato might be one of the most underrated products out there. It’s like ice cream—which everybody loves—but even better. It’s far smoother and it tends to have much better, more enjoyable flavors. If your shop has access to the best frozen yogurt suppliers, you can offer your customers an absolutely delicious treat.

The thing about gelato, though, is that it isn’t as commonplace as something like dessert. It should be! But right now, it isn’t. Right now, it’s still a pretty rare thing. This doesn’t have to be a negative, though. Instead, you can use it to your advantage. You can convince, say, tourists that it’s something they should be interested in trying on their vacation. They may even try it several times. I mean, it’s vacation. Why not let loose and have a few desserts?


Here’s the thing, though. Tourists still want their money’s worth. They want white paper cups that are durable and won’t leak. They want spoons that won’t give off a funny taste. They want high quality napkins.

What I’m getting at is that you can’t just hope that your gelato will be enough to win over customers, even if they are tourists who are out for a good time. Make sure that you take care with every feature of your shop and your customers will repay you handsomely.


For all the personalized ice cream cups you need and more, look no further than Gelato Products. They’ll help you keep your customers coming back for more.


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