Packing for a multi-day kayaking trip

November 17, 2016 by  
Filed under Travel

9952_Gov_003Written by Crystal Seas

A kayak vacation can be one that gives you the chance to do what you love while learning and bettering your hobbies. However, packing for more than a one-day kayak trip can be stressful and if you forgot an important item, you may have to hold on your paddle for one more day.

The type of water you will be traveling on will affect the type of gear you need to carry. For example, if you are traveling in open water you will require additional navigational equipment, signaling, and safety gear. Your water will also impact the boat you use and how much storage space is available for gear. Here are some of the items you may need;

General gear – Sleeping bag, Personal mug, plate, Spork, Toiletries, Water pump or purification system, Compact stove, Stove fuel, Kitchen & cooking kit, Tarp or shelter, power pack, headlamp.

Supplies – Food (labeled by day or meal), Water storage, Repair equipment, Breakdown or backup paddle, Duct tape, Needle and thread (for skirt repair), Zip ties  (for boat repair).

Safety Gear – Basic first aid kit, communication device, GPS or navigational device, Emergency contacts.

Clothing & Wearable Gear- Personal Flotation Device, Knife, Whistle, Board shorts or swim suits, Synthetic hat, Sandals, Waterproof footwear and gloves, rain coat, Wetsuit or drysuit, Synthetic socks, Bag for dirty laundry clothes.

Small Essentials – Water bottle, Lighters, Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Bug spray, Camera and dry bag, Bear spray

Crystal Seas can give you everything you need—including training—and guide you through your Washington kayak adventure.


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